Anthony Wilson

My dream to become an artist...

Hello my name is Anthony Wilson and I personally dreamed of becoming an artist since I was 14 years of age.

I owe this desire to my extremely talented father who sat me down at 5 years of age and drew a picture of me at my request.

Image my surprise when I saw the picture and it looked just like me!

I didn't have any prior knowledge that my father possessed this ability when I made my request as a curious child.

That curiosity stayed with me as my love of art grew in the form of comic books.

My younger brother and I made a pact to sit down and learn how to draw like the artists in the comic books we loved so much and the rest was history.

My father suggested that I study architecture in college since I love to draw and that decision set me on my path.

Fast forward 20 plus years when my dear friend Gerald Pearson calls me up and says, "You always know what to say to everyone, so you should design some positive shirts."

This was a very unusual statement knowing his personality and the information just travels out of one ear into the air.

Gerald made the same statement about 3 months later, so I figured some divine intervention must have been at work and I'd better start listening.

I knew that this would be a perfect opportunity to show my children that one person can make a difference.

I enlisted the assistance of my two boys Anthony, Jr. (13 years old) and Alec (11 years old) to help me with everything from the company name, design choices and color selections.

This is how my company, Create-Sun, LLC was born, "Positive Thoughts for Positive People... where words become reality!!!"

I want to show you how to apply this same positive inspiration today to make all of your dreams finally come true.

I learned that there are many ways to be creative. There is nothing more powerful than helping others to find and fulfill their creative life's purpose.

Never forget that everyone needs a positive word of encouragement...

This is Anthony Wilson saying Thank you for visiting my website and I look forward to getting to know each and every one of you better.

Warm Positive Thoughts,
Anthony Wilson
Create-Sun, LLC

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Photos courtesy of artist Anthony K. Wilson, Sr.

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